Add a Metering device (CSD)

To poll metering devices via the CSD channel you need to configure the modem connection to the Nekta system using “Manual”.

To create a metering device, do the following:

1. Go to the “Devices” section.

2. Click on the “Add new device”.

3. Select “Add meter”.

4. Select a category. 5. Click on the switch by “selecting the connection via Built-in modem”.

Despite the fact that the survey of metering devices via the CSD channel implies connection to additional equipment, the system provides for the possibility of creating such devices with a built-in modem, i.e. the creation of an additional gateway is not required.

6. Select the “Manufacturer”, “Model” of the meter and “Connection type” which is CSD.

7. Enter the “Name” of the meter, select the “Time zone” and specify the “Serial (factory) number”.

The “Serial number” field is optional. It can be specified or changed after adding a meter by “editing”.

8. Enter the “IMEI” of the modem from which the connection will be established.

9. Enter the Phone number of the SIM card that is installed in the remote modem.

The phone number must be entered as follows [code of the country]XXXXXXXXXX, i.e. starting with the digit [code of the country].

10. Enter the “Internal address”.

The internal (network) address is set by the manufacturer or configured on the device itself. In some cases, it completely or partially repeats the serial/factory number of the device. To determine it, it is necessary to consult the operating manual or the manufacturer of the metering device.

11. Select “Activity Timeout”.

Ticking the checkbox “Add a device to a polling group” allows you to assign the polling parameters specified in a separately created “Polling Group” to the device. For a detailed introduction to the “Polling Group” function, follow the link.

12. You can select the type of data that will be requested from the device In the “Polling Settings” tab.

For each data type, you can configure:

  • Start date is the start date and time of the polling for this parameter, the time is specified according to the set time zone for the company;
  • Period is how often a polling task will be created for the selected data type;

Please see “Features of the polling period” before selecting.


  • Number of attempts means how many times the request is repeated (from 1 to 10 attempts) in case of unsuccessful completion of the polling
  • Timeout between attempts means how many seconds will pass between sending the first message and sending a repeat request.

Depending on the model of the metering device, the set of parameters may differ or not at all. If there is no choice, then all supported readings will be read from the meter, the polling of which is implemented in the system for this model.

13. If there is a problem with receiving data from devices on a regular basis and the metering device model supports recording archives, you can configure the follow-up parameters. The system will check the availability of data for each day and, in case of their absence, create additional requests for data for the missed days.

14. Select “Service Parameters”.

Various settings can be activated in the service parameters. Depending on the model of the metering device, the set of parameters may differ or not at all.

15. Click the “Create button”.

The creation of the metering device is completed.

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