Uploading to 1S

It is possible to generate reports in a special format within Nekta system. With this format you can upload meter readings to 1S (configuration Accounting in housing and communal services management companies).

You need to add attributes of metering devices, generate a report and configure 1S to configure data uploading.

Adding attributes.

You need to fill in the attributes for each metering device, the readings of which need to be uploaded to 1S.

To do this, go to the Attributes tab in the TS Passport window, in the “Attributes”, “System” tabs, select “Device code in 1C”. In the tab “Custom” select the attributes “Personal account”

Attribute values must be taken from 1S. To do so, take the following steps:

  • Select the Accounting Objects category
  • Open the Buildings, structures tab
  • Click on the required Building
  • Click on Apartment number in the Premises tab

The apartment file contains Personal account.


  • Click on Personal account
  • Open the Meters tab
  • Click on the required Meter

The meter file contains Device code.

Report generation.

It is necessary to generate a report using a template upload to 1S and download it in the Nekta system.

Setting up 1S.

To configure 1S, take the following steps:

  • Select the Metering devices category
  • Click on the loading the register of meter readings
  • Click on the drop-down menu arrow next to the Download File Format
  • Click Create
  • Set downloading/uploading name
  • Choose the XLS or XLSX file format
  • Number the first 4 columns (1,2,3,4) as shown in the figure:
  • Go to the Settings tab and set the value to 2for Number of the line from which to load data
  • Click Record and close
  • Click on the drop-down menu arrow next to the Download File Format
  • Click Show All
  • Select the created setting up data for downloading/uploading

Uploading data to 1S.

To upload data to 1S take the following steps:

  • Select the Metering devices category
  • Click on the loading the register of meter readings
  • Click on the ellipsis opposite to the file upload template
  • Select the report file that was generated in Nekta
  • Click the Upload Registry button

A table with data should be generated.
If everything is correct, click the Generate documents button

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