Preparing for installation

To install the Nekta Server software package, you must:

1. Prepare a PC or virtual machine with the characteristics specified in the system requirements for the software.

2. Provide a PC or virtual machine with Internet access using a static IP address.

If Internet access is restricted, then it is necessary to open it for external resources (for all levels of subdomains):


3. Open the following ports:

  • To access the server via SSH is 22 TCP. Used for installing and updating software. Can be reassigned to another external port. It can be closed after installing the software, but must be open for updating it and for diagnosing problems.
  • To access the Web interface via HTTP protocol via an external Internet network – 80 and 81 TCP. 80 can be reassigned to another external port. 81 cannot be reassigned to another external port.
  • To access the Web interface over HTTPS via an external Internet network – 80, 81, 443 and 4443 TCP. 443 can be reassigned to another external port. 80, 81 and 4443 cannot be reassigned.
  • For the correct operation of push notifications in the system interface via an external Internet network — 3003 TCP. You cannot reassign to another external port.
  • To access the Web interface of the LoRaWAN — 9090 TCP network server. Can be reassigned to another external port.
  • To receive data from LoRaWAN base stations — 1700 UDP. Can be reassigned to another external port.
  • Additionally, for debugging and troubleshooting — 82 TCP.

SSH access for the installation period must be open to an external Internet network. VPN installation is not carried out.


When using equipment that uses GPRS, NB-IoT or Ethernet technologies to poll devices, additional ports must be opened.

Device Manufacturer/ModelPort
USR IOT (Ethernet)8234
Bitcord (Ethernet)47893
Bitcord (GPRS)47895
Teleofis RTU 102/6028252
Mercury GPRS45885
Energomera GPRS45883
Intelpribor MKTS45879
Thermal Water Protection Pulsar43887
Chronos Meter45695
GPS tracker Cheetah20263
Aldis EL-310145877
JSC "NNPO named after M.V. Frunze" C-145875


If access to ports is restricted by IP, then it is necessary to open it for the following addresses:


When using the software on a local network, it is enough to open 22 TCP (for the installation period).


4. Install Ubuntu Server version not lower than 20.04.


Disk 2 (storage) must be mounted to the /nekta directory


The operating system must be “clean”, without additional components installed.


The installation of Nekta Server on other Linux distributions other than Ubuntu is considered individually.


5. Inform the Nekta Technical Support service:

Data for connecting to the server via SSH:

  • IP/Domain
  • Port (+ list of all redirected ports)
  • Login
  • Password

We recommend that you do not use special characters when generating an SSH password. List of special characters:

! ” # $ % & ‘ ( ) * + , – . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \ ] ^ _` { | } ~

Data for authorization via the Web interface:

  • The address (URL) that will be used to access the web interface of the software (domain name, external IP address or internal (local) IP address). When using a domain, you need to configure A record to the IP address that accesses the server
  • Email address of the system administrator

Outgoing Mail Settings:

  • Company name (displayed in the subject and text of the letter)
  • Email address
  • Password
  • Mail server address (outbox)
  • Port
  • Connection Protection (SSL/TLS/Missing)

Materials for the application of personal design (additional service):

  • Company name (Name of the tab in the browser)
  • A 330×95 pixel logo in PNG or SVG format with a transparent background (logo on the authorization page)
  • A 150×20 pixel logo in PNG or SVG format with a transparent background (top logo)
  • Website icon (Favicon) (size 32×32 pixels, PNG format, transparent background)
  • Background picture of 1920 x 1080 (or 1920 x 1200) pixels (picture in the background)
  • HEX primary color code (top menu color)
  • HEX code of secondary color (the color of the selected section in the top menu)
  • HEX color code of buttons
  • HEX code of the background color (if there is no background image)
  • Domain name (required for the application of personal design)
  • Certificate for domain (optional)


  • Data storage depth

All information should be sent to the Nekta Technical Support service at


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