Access rights description


Activation of the “Favorites” category items opens access to this section in the system, as well as to adding metering devices to favorites and deleting from it.

Access to the “Favorites” category can only be granted if there is “Access to all elements of the company” “Devices”.


Differentiation of access rights of the “Favorites” category it is not divided into “Viewing”,  “Creation”, “Change” and “Removal”. When activating any item, all the checkboxes are automatically set.

List of objects

“Access to all company elements” opens access to all company objects, regardless of the account binding to them.

View opens access to the “List of objects” category in the system, as well as to the objects to which the account is linked.

Access to the List of Objects category is possible only if you have access to the Devices category. In this regard, the View items of these two categories depend on each other and are activated/deactivated simultaneously.

“Creation” allows adding new “Folders”, “Objects” and “Subobjects”.

“Edit” allows editing “Folders”, “Objects” and “Subobjects”.

“Deletion” allows deletion of “Folders”, “Objects” and “Subobjects”.

It is possible to activate Creation, Change and Deletion only when the item is activated in the Access to all elements of the company.

Map of objects

Activation of Map of objects category opens access to this section in the system.


Access to the Map of Objects category can be granted only if you have access to the List of Objects and Devices categories.

Differentiation of access rights of the Map of objects category it is not divided into “Viewing”, “Creation”, “Change” and “Removal”. When activating any item, all the checkboxes are automatically set.


Access to all elements of the company opens access to all devices of the company, regardless of the binding of the account to the objects to which the devices are linked and to the collection calendar.

View opens access to the Devices category in the system, as well as to devices linked to objects with which the account is associated.

Access to the “Devices category” is possible only if you have access to the “List of Objects” category. In this regard, the “View” items of these two categories depend on each other and are activated/deactivated simultaneously.

“Creation” allows adding new “Metering devices”, “Gateways” and “Base stations”, as well as the creation of “Balance groups”.

“Edit” allows editing “Metering devices”, “Gateways” and “Base stations”, provides access to control, as well as allows you to edit “Balance groups”.

“Delete” allows deleting and moving to the archive “Metering devices, “Gateways”, “Base stations”, removal “Balance groups”, as well as provides access to the list of “Archived devices” and their recovery.

It is possible to activate “Creation”, “Change” and “Deletion” only when the item is activated in the “Access to all elements of the company”.

“Access to Balance groups” are possible only if you have access to the “Reports” category.



View opens access to the “Reports” category in the system, as well as to view the list of created reports and download them.

Access to the “Reports” category can be granted only if you have access to the “List of Objects” and “Devices” categories.

In the absence of “Access to all elements of the company”, the user will see in the tabs: “user reports”, “system reports” and “balance sheet” only reports created by him.

Creation allows the creation of new reports and their automatic distribution.

“Access to “Creation of reports” is possible only if there are “Access to all elements of the company” of the “Devices” category and access to the “Users” category.

“Edit” allows editing and recollection of generated reports.

“Deletion” allows the deletion of created reports and tasks for their automatic distribution.


“View” opens access to the “Events” category in the system, as well as to view the list of created events.

“Access” to the “Events” category can be granted only if you have access to the “List of Objects” and “Devices” categories.

“Creatio”n allows to create new events.

In the absence of “access to all elements of the company” “Devices” category only those devices are available that are linked to objects associated with the account.

“Edit” allows editing of created events, as well as allows them to activate/deactivate.

“Delete” allows deleting created events.


View opens access to the Companies category in the system, as well as to view the list of created companies and dive into them.

When diving into the company, the access rights for the user are inherited from the main account.

Creation allows the creation of new companies.

Access tothe creation of companies is possible only if you have access to the Users and Access rights.

Edit allows editing of created companies, as well as allows them to activate/ deactivate.

Delete allows the deletion of created companies.

When you delete a company, all devices and data on them, objects, reports, events and users created in it are deleted.



View opens access to the Users category in the system, as well as to view the list of created users.

Access to the Users category can be granted only if you have access to the Access Rights category.

Creation allows the creation of new users.

Edit allows editing of created users, as well as allows them to activate/deactivate.

Delete allows the deletion of created users.

Access rights

View opens access to the Access Rights category in the system, as well as to view the list of created user groups.

Access to the Access Rights category can be granted only if you have access to the Users category.

Creation allows the creation of new user groups.

Edit allows you to edit the access rights of the created user groups.

Deletion allows deletion of created user groups.

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