Companies (B2B)

The main company.

The main company is an organization that provides service and software on its own behalf using the software solution by Nekta company.

The companies window allows you to edit, perform settlement operations, view the status, as well as add new accounts of subsidiaries.

When the company is deactivated, users who are registered in it will not be able to log in. The polling of all metering devices is suspended.

List of companies

The list of companies has the following columns:

Square allows you to select one or more companies to upload billing for the selected reporting period.

Active (Toggle switch) allows you to activate or deactivate the company.

ID is a unique identifier of the company in the system.

Name is the name of the company that was set when it was added.

Type is the type of company: Dealer or Client.

Tariff is the rate of payment for the service and software

Status is financial condition:

  • Paid
  • Not paid
  • You need to top up your balance

TIN/BIN is the company identification number (legal details).

The date of blocking is the date when the company will be automatically deactivated.

In order to show relevant information, you can use the filter, for this you need to click on the gears button in the upper right corner of the companies window and tick the names of the columns whose data you need to show.

Login to the company.

A user with administrator access rights can log in to a subsidiary company.

When logging into a subsidiary, the user retains the access rights settings as in the main company.

Exit from the company.

To exit the company, click on the account name in the upper right corner and select return to the main company or return to the previous company.

If the dive into the subsidiary company was performed several levels down, then the item “Return to the main company” returns immediately to the main account, “Back to the Dealer’s cabinet” returns to the account in B2B, and the item “Return to the previous company” exits only one level up.

Editing the company.

In the edit menu of the company, you can change the following:

  • Name of the company;
  • Date and time of blocking;
  • Type of company;
  • Company status;
  • Billing plan;
  • Disable the demo status of the company.

The demo status of the company allows you to use the system indefinitely, but with restrictions on the number of metering devices, which is no more than 10. This restriction does not apply to base stations and gateways.

When disabling the Demo status, you must specify the TIN/BIN.

Deleting a company.

Deleting a company will permanently delete all devices, device data, reports, objects, users, and all related settings. It will be possible to restore this data only from a backup copy through a request to the Nekta technical support service.

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