Adding a virtual metering device

Virtual device.

Virtual device is a function that allows creating a device to adjust data on it or provide end users with the ability to enter readings manually in the application called.


1. To create a virtual metering device, it is necessary to click “Add a new device” in the “Devices” section and select “Add a metering device”. 2. Select the “Resource type” and switch the toggle switch “The device is connected via the built-in modem”. Next, select a “Virtual meter” in the “Manufacturer*” line, and select “Virtual meter …” in the “Model” line (the resource type corresponds to the earlier selected “resource type”). “Connection type” is “Virtual”. 3. After that, enter the “Name” (arbitrary)

The name plays an important role in operations optimizing as a whole. For example, if a very long name is entered with an optional punctuation marks, it makes it difficult to search for the device later.

4. Specify the Time zone of the device according to GMT (Greenwich Mean Time). Then enter the Serial number (device serial number) and device ID (arbitrary numeric value). For example, it may correspond to the device factory number.

5. Specify the Activity Timeout. The value must correspond to the settings for sending/receiving a request/data in the metering device.

6. It is necessary to bind a virtual metering device to the metering point assigned to the end user in order to enable the consumer to enter meter readings in the Russian Federation subscriber account. 6.1. Select the desired object/subobject in the Objects window and click the Chain link icon next to the Device label to open the list of available devices. 6.2. Select the metering device for binding and click on the checkmark symbol. The result will be displayed in the pop-up window below. 6.3. Check that the “Consumer” is specified correctly at the metering point. To do so, select the “Edit” function in the context menu from the right.Consumer” should be specified at the bottom of the editing window.

Virtual device (digital twin) allows adding a virtual device that will copy selected data types from a real meter and display them separately in the system.

1. It is necessary to check the box in the Digital twin line when creating a virtual device in order to add a digital twin. Specify the Network address (Internal address) through which the signal is transmitted.

2. Next, you need to select the data that the digital twin will copy in terms of resource types:

  • Water, Gas and Sensor – copying for 1 virtual field is available;
  • Heat, Electricity and Matter — up to 5 virtual fields can be copied;

3. In order to select the necessary data, click Add field. Select Virtual Device Parameter, Data Type and Parent Device parameter.

4. It is possible to set the parameters for data correction that was copied from the metering device. To do so, specify the necessary operation in the Adjustment line. Then specify the number with which the logarithmic action will be performed in the Value line.

Click Create button.

Virtual device is created (digital twin).

Virtual Device (PU Merge)

To create a virtual device with subsequent merging of readings.

1. When creating a virtual device, in the “Additional functions” field, select “Combining PU”

2. Specify the “Model of the parent device”, the model of the meter with which you want to merge the readings.

3. In the “Devices” field, select the metering device to combine the values.

4. Type of data, parameter of the parent device and action to be performed with the value of the parameter of the parent device.

5. In the “Adjustment” field – you can select a logarithmic operation, specify the value and parameter of the virtual device on which the calculation will be performed.

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