Adding a gateway (GPRS modem)

To create a gateway take the following steps:

1. Go to the Devices section.

2. Click on the Add new device.

3. Select Add Gateway. 4. Select the BS Manufacturer. 5. Select the BS Model.

6. Select “Connection Type”.

7. Enter the Name of the gateway. The name is entered in any form.

8. Select the operating mode (Client or Server).

The mode of operation depends on the modem settings.  


9. Enter the data to establish the connection. For the Client mode, specify the IMEI of the modem. For Server mode, specify the IP address and Port.

The modes of operation are described in details in “Setting up GPRS and Ethernet gateway communication” article  

10. Specify the Contact Period.

Please see “Features of the polling period” before selecting.

11. Check the specified parameters and click on the Create button. Gateway creation is completed.

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