Metering points

The metering point is an element of the Nekta system that allows to:

  • save consumption history when replacing metering devices.
  • record the date of removal and installation of metering devices.
  • store information about the supplier and consumer of the energy resource.


The “Object” refers to a building (shopping / business center, multi-storey building, production, etc.), the “Sub-object” refers to any room in the “Object” (apartment, workshop, office, warehouse).

Adding a metering point.

The metering point can be linked to an object or a sub-object, and can also be added without binding.

Accounting points without binding are stored in the parent company of the tree structure of objects.

To add an accounting point to an existing infrastructure element, select the object/subobject by clicking on it, the selected element will be highlighted in gray.

To add an accounting point without linking, click on the name of the parent company in the infrastructure tree.

When adding a metering point, you must fill in the required fields: “Name of the metering point” and “Number of the metering point”.

Required fields are marked *


The account number must be unique.

When adding a metering point, you can also immediately bind a metering device to it. To do so, specify “Resource type” and “Device” (select from the drop-down list).

The parameter “Metering point type” is optional, the parameter must be selected to calculate the heat energy by the area of ​​the room.

Only one device can be binded to one metering point. Devices binded to other metering points will not be displayed in the list of devices available for binding.

To specify the relationship between the “Supplier” and “Consumer”, you must fill in the appropriate fields, having previously created the “Supplier” and “Consumer” in the “Directories” section.

For the electricity metering point, you must specify Current transformation coefficient,Voltage transformation coefficient andthe loss coefficient.

For a metering point with resource type electric power, the required fields during creation are: “Current transformation ratio”, “Voltage transformation ratio” and “Loss ratio”. The default values ​​are 1.

If the electricity metering device is of Direct switching type (no transformers are installed at the metering point), then the values of the transformation coefficients must be set by default (1).

If losses are not taken into account at the metering points, then the value of the loss coefficient must be set by default (1).

For a metering point with the resource type electricity, it is possible to additionally specify the “Number of tariffs” and “Maximum power”.

List of metering points.

The list of metering points has the following columns:

  • MP number is the number of the metering point that is set when it is created.
  • MP name is the name of the metering point that is set when it is created.
  • Device is the active device binded to the metering point.
  • Device ID is the identification number of the device binded to the metering point in the system.
  • Serial number is the serial number of the metering device binded to the metering point.
  • Installation location is the actual installation location of the device at the object.
  • Status is an indicator of the activity of the device binded to the metering point.
  • Recent readings is the latest instantaneous flow data from the metering device.

Device information.

To open the “Information on the device” it is necessary to click on the field with the name of the device associated with the technical specifications, the window may contain information:

  • The name of the meter;
  • The date the device was created;
  • Device time zone;
  • Communication period;
  • Date of last activity;
  • Last message date (device time);
  • Last message date (real time);
  • IMEI (identifier for registration of PU in Nekta);
  • Interrogation parameters;
  • Network address;
  • connection type;
  • Survey options;
  • Service parameters.

The order and name of the fields will change depending on the model of the device for which the “Device Information” is open.

Available functions of the “Device Information” window:

  • “Go to data”

Performs a transition to the “Device data” window linked to the metering point, the window will open in a separate browser tab.

  • “Edit”

To switch to the “Device editing” window, the window will open in a separate browser tab.

  • “Go to device logs”

Go to the “Poll tasks” window, in the same window there is a “Poll logs” tab, the window will open in a separate browser tab.

Communication of the device with the accounting point.

The device can be unbinded from the metering point or replaced.

The device linked to the metering point can be unlinked by clicking the icon,

or replace.

When deleting the connection of a device with a metering point, it will appear in the list of available devices when linking the device to another metering point.

To open the context menu, click


Context menu is a menu in which the following actions with the metering point are available:

  • MP certificate
  • Data
  • Unbind from the object /Bind to an object
  • Edit
  • Remove

Passport TU

The metering point passport is a convenient and functional control panel for interaction and management: metering device, detection and metering detection are also implemented using the system functions. More.


The function allows you to view data on the device associated with the metering point without going to the “Devices” section, the window will open on top of the “Objects” section.

In order to finish viewing information on the data – click on the area outside the “Device data” window.

Detach from object.

Just as we untie devices from the accounting point, there is a function to untie the accounting point from the “Object” or “Subobject”. Together with the metering point, the device that was associated with it is also untied.

When using the “Unbind from object” function, confirmation of the action is not required, the accounting point will be unbinded immediately after clicking.

Attach to an object.

This function is available only when viewing the list of metering points of the parent company, that is, metering points that are not linked to the object.


Allows you to change the parameters of the accounting point that were set when it was created.

The “Resource Type” and “Device fields” cannot be edited.



When deleting a metering point, the metering device loses connection with it and becomes available for binding to other metering points.

Deleted accounting points cannot be restored.


Journal of TU.

To view the logs of user interaction with the accounting point, in the context menu of the accounting point, click “Passport TS”,

In the window that opens, go to the “Action Log” tab.

Import of metering points.

To import metering points, you must click the appropriate button in the “Object” or “Subobject”.

Next, you need to “Download the template for import” and fill it out using “Background information on the fields“.

Excel can convert large numeric values to exponential format (example: “2,81264E+13”). In this case, it is recommended to change the cell format to Text.

Fields marked with an asterisk are required to be filled in in the template.


Next, you need to upload the completed file. At the upload stage, the system will check the file and indicate how many metering points will be imported, as well as what mistakes were made when filling in.

The downloaded file must be .xlsx

Accounting points can be associated with “Object”, “Device”, “Supplier” and “Consumer” at the import stage.

To bind an accounting point to an object, you must specify “object_id”.

To find out the “object_id”, being in the “Objects” section, select the “Object” or “Subobject” into which you want to import the accounting point. In the upper part of the object window, the “Object ID” is displayed, and next to the inscription its identifier is indicated, and it must be copied into the import template.

If the object ID is not specified or specified with an error, the system will warn about it. In order for accounting points to be able to be imported, it is necessary to check the box next to the item “Import specifications without objects”.

Such metering points will be imported to the parent company without reference to objects.

To bind a device to an accounting point during import, you must specify its “device_id”. You can find it in the list of devices in the “ID” column.

To bind the supplier and consumer to the accounting point, you must specify an ID. You can find out their “consumer_id” and “supplier_id” in the “Directories” section.

After the import, the number of successfully imported metering points will be displayed.

If not all metering points were imported you can download the log and see the reason.

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