Metering point certificate


The metering point certificate is a convenient and functional control panel for the implementation of full—fledged interaction and control of metering device, the facility and the metering point, as well as related system functions from a single interface window.

1. To enter the “MP certificate”, it is necessary to be in the window of the metering point or viewing the list of metering devices, click on the context menu and select “MP certificate”.2. There are buttons in the top right: Data and Tasks/Polling logs for quick access to the device data window and viewing active tasks, as well as logs for them. To return to metering point certificateclick the corresponding button in the top right of the screen. 3. In the window “General information” in the tab “Point of accounting” (further TS) general information on TS is available, as well as the functions “Go to the object” and “Edit” the metering point. 4. Metering device includes functions as follows:

  • Edit tab changes parameters:
    • Device name;
    • Date and time of the start of the polling (for metering devices, the polling of which is initiated by the server);
    • Gateway (for metering devices behind the gateway);
    • Resource type (for water meters);
    • Starting value (for pulse counters);
    • Priority base station (for metering devices with a built-in LoRaWAN modem).
  • Add to favorites includes the device in the company’s list of favorite devices.
  • Replace the metering device changes the connection between the metering point and the metering device.
  • Unbind the metering device removes the connection of the device with the metering point.

5. Entity tab includes functions:

  • Go to the entity allows to move to the entity window which the metering device is binded to
  • Open on the map for viewing onThe map of the entities of the metering point to which the device is linked.
  • Edit to changes/adds the following parameters:
    • Parent element
    • Name of the entity
    • Entity type
    • Address of the entity
  • Unbind from the entity removes the connection betweenthe metering point andan entity.

6. Polling tab allows you to change the parameters of polling for the metering device.7. Control tab allows to send commands to the metering device. The available functions are:

  • Relay control is for switching off/on the metering device;
  • Setting the power limit is for adjusting the parameters of the energy consumption limit;
  • Setting the date/time on the device is for setting the date and time parameters on the metering device;
  • Time adjustment on the device is to adjust the time adjustment already set on the metering device.

The standard number of attempts is 1 for all tasks by Controlling. 8. Events tab contains a list of all events related to the metering device.

List of created events

Events are divided into 2 categories:

  1. List of triggered events
  2. List of created events

Available functions:

  • Adding a new event creates an event associated with the selected device;
  • Toggle switch Active enables/disables the event;
  • Data views the data of the device on which the event was triggered;

  • Edit changes the general information and conditions of the event.

Displayed information:

  • Active tab shows the activity of the event at the moment;
  • ID is the identification number of the event in the system;
  • Name means the name of the event specified by the user when creating;
  • Event type – all events are divided intoEvents for lack of activity andEvents according to the data. This column displays which of these types an event from the list belongs to;
  • Notification type is omnichannel notifications. There are 4 types of notifications:
    • Voice notification – the system will call you on the phone and tell you by voice what happened in the system;
    • SMS notification uses the SMS center to send information about the triggered event;

To get Voice messages and SMS, you need to register yourself in the SMS center ( ,, top up the balance and activate the integration with the SMS center in Company settings of the system.

    • Email Notification — the system sends you a notification letter to the email address;
    • PUSH notifications is a notification pop—up window appears in the system with brief information on the triggered event;
  • Contact details – when selecting notification types Voice message or Notification via SMS, the number to which the call or SMS will be sent is indicated, the specified contact details are displayed in this column;
  • Repetition — this column displays the selected method of repeating the notification (Once, Repeat, Smart repetition)

When you click on the event line, the list of devices that are being monitored will open.

9. Attributes tab contains a list of all device attributes and a function Add attribute is to create a new device attribute.

Attributes fall into two categories:

Systemic – affecting the operation of reports, external systems (LoRa servers, data collection and accounting systems);
Custom – created by users for various purposes, mainly for displaying specific information in reports.


Add attribute – to create a new device attribute;
Delete attribute (tank icon) – to delete an existing attribute. 10. Transformers tab allows to view and add information on current/voltage transformers through which the metering device is connected. To save the added information, you need to click on the corresponding button in the interface. 11. The MP log tabdisplays a list of events related to (activity log) the metering point. In the log, you can view the date and time of the event and its description. If the event is associated with a metering device, the function of viewing data on this device will be available.

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