Device status and polling period

The status of the devices in the system indicates that there is a connection with the device.





Metering devices widgets.

The status of the metering devices depends on the value of the Device polling period parameter and the availability of readings in the period equal to the specified value multiplied by 1.5. That is, equal to one period + half of this period.

The meter sends readings once every 24 hours. The value of the Device polling period parameter in the system is also specified as 24 hours. The status of the metering device will change to Offline if 36 hours have passed since the last readings were received (the value of the period (24 hours) + half of this period (12 hours)). That is, if the next message with readings from the counter does not come to the server, then its status in the system will turn red.

According to the transmitting readings , metering devices are divided into two types:

  • Metering devices that send data themselves (or are connected to a gateway that polls the metering device and sends data itself);
  • Metering devices, the polling of which is initiated by the server.

Metering devices that send data themselves.

Device polling period parameter it does not affect in any way the frequency of receiving readings from metering devices that send data themselves (or are connected to a gateway that polls the metering device and sends data itself), but only affects the status of the device in the system.

In this regard, for such devices, Device polling period parameter in the system must be specified the same as configured on the metering device (or the gateway that polls the metering device and sends the data itself). If these values do not match, the status in the system may not be displayed correctly.

You also need to take into account that there may be 2 parameters on the metering device itself:

  • The data collection period is the period through which the metering device (or gateway) records readings and stores them in its memory;
  • Transmission period is the period through which the metering device (or gateway) sends readings to the server.

When selecting the Device Polling Period parameter in the system, it is necessary to focus on the Transmission Period parameter on the metering device (or gateway).

1. The meter sends readings every 12 hours. The value of the Device polling period the parameter must be specified as 12 hours in the system. The status of the metering device will change to Offline if 18 hours have passed since the last readings were received (the value of the period (12 hours) + half of this period (6 hours)).
2. The meter is connected to the gateway, which polls the counter once an hour and sends data to the server itself every 6 hours. The value of the Device polling period the parameter must be specified as 6 hours in the system. The status of the metering device will change to Offline if 9 hours have passed since the last readings were received (the value of the period (6 hours) + half of this period (3 hours)).

Metering devices, the polling of which is initiated by the server.

Device polling period directly affects the frequency of receiving meter readings, the polling of which is initiated by the server.

In this regard, for such devices, Device polling period parameter must be specified such as with what frequency it is necessary to receive readings from metering devices in the system.

When adding a meter, Device polling period parameter was specified as 1 hour. The server will poll the meter with the specified frequency. The status of the metering device will change toOffline if 1.5 hours have passed since the last readings were received (the value of the period (1 hour) + half of this period (30 minutes)). That is, if the next polling ends with an error and the message with the meter readings does not come to the server, then its status in the system will turn red.

The status of the gateways.

According to the data transmission , gateways are divided into 2 types:

  • Gateways that can send data themselves (service information of the gateway itself);
  • Gateways that work in transparent mode (they do not send anything themselves).

Gateways that can send data themselves.

The status of these gateways depends on the value of the Connection Period parameter and the availability of data in the period equal to the specified value multiplied by 1.5. That is, equal to one period + half of this period.

The Contact period parameter does not affect the frequency of receiving data from the gateway, but only affects the status of the device in the system.

In this regard, for such devices, the Connection Period parameter in the system must be specified the same as configured on the gateway. If these values do not match, the status in the system may not be displayed correctly.

The gateway is configured to send data (service information) every 24 hours. The value of the Contact period parameter in the system must be specified as 24 hours. Gateway status changes to Offline if 36 hours have passed since the last data was received (the value of the period (24 hours) + half of this period (12 hours)).

Gateways that operate in transparent mode.

The status of these gateways depends on the result of connecting and communicating the device. The indicator will change color from red to green after the device is connected and the data is correctly entered into the system.

The Communication period parameter must be specified the same as the value of Device polling period parameter in the system for the metering device that is connected through this gateway. If several metering devices with different polling periods are connected to the gateway, then it is necessary to specify the minimum.

1. A metering device is connected to the gateway, which is planned to be interrogated once every 12 hours. The value of the Contact period parameter in the system must be specified as 12 hours. Gateway status change to Offline if 18 hours have passed since receiving the last readings on the metering device (the value of the period (12 hours) + half of this period (6 hours)).
2. 2 metering devices are connected to the gateway, one of which is planned to be interrogated once every 6 hours, and the second time at 12 hours. The value of the Contact period parameter in the system must be specified as 6 hours. Gateway status changes to Offline if 9 hours have passed since receiving the last readings on the metering device (the value of the period (6 hours) + half of this period (3 hours)).

Status of base stations.

The system records the presence of communication with the base station once a minute. The status of the base station will change toOffline if 5 minutes have passed since the last successful connection check. This parameter cannot be changed.


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